Ashley (center) attended the World Urban Forum in Katowice, Poland in June 2022 with colleagues from the Mid-America Regional Council (MARC).
Work Experience
February 2021-Present
Enhanced outreach and engagement to advance transparency and accountability, including the launch of a multi-faceted budget engagement process and fellowship.
Developed the brand and reporting for UG Forward, capturing the work underway to reimagine the Unified Government by capturing existing best practices and opportunities for improvement.
Focused on elevating the accessibility and quality of communications while cultivating capacity, redesigning processes and design standards.
Helped develop two core courses of the inaugural Tulane School of Professional Advancement John Lewis Public Administration Program with Neil Kleiman. The courses focused on data-driven and adaptive leadership in the civic sector.
I have been teaching the Technology and Civic Sector Leadership course since the program launched. Each semester, I work with graduate students who develop a digital roadmap or smart city plan to effectively manage technology innovations with the complex environment of the public sector.
Launched Cityfi from Los Angeles in August 2016, an urban change management practice, with co-founders Gabe Klein (Washington, DC) and John Tolva (Chicago, IL / Denver, CO). Story Bellows (New York, NY) would also join the partnership as a fellow civic innovator and collaborator.
We built a multi-city practice to help city leadership, community partnerships, private and nonprofit executives, and academics navigate rapid change in the digital age from a human-centered approach.
From the onset, I led much of the operations of the company, including finances, marketing, and human resources, and worked to scale the company to operate more effectively as our needs evolved. I also directed most of our public sector work although I would also advise our private sector and foundation partners.
Projects and advisory services ranged from economic development and mobility, to organizational change and civic innovation, to navigating changing technology, leveraging data and market transformation. We would engage diverse audiences to shape positive change with a lens toward equity, environment, and economy in all of our work.
Taught the upper undergraduate/graduate class called Technology and the City for the University of Southern California Price School of Public Policy. Students came from all disciplines so it was important to find ways to address public policy in the digital age to allow cities to shape the future — not the technology company.
The course focused on introducing students to a variety of technological innovations such as the sharing economy, smart city technology, new mobility, the dark web and cryptocurrency. Students explored public policy and regulatory responses to these technologies as well as the unintended consequences of technology.
There can be very negative impacts on our most vulnerable populations by deploying technology without consideration for people first. Not everyone benefits from innovation and students would explore how public policy could ensure that technology aligns to the shared vision of a community. Students would develop policy recommendations for the City of Los Angeles.
One-year fellowship funded by the Goldhirsh Foundation and Mayor’s Fund of Los Angeles to develop a transportation technology strategy for the Los Angeles Department of Transportation. Working closely with General Manager Seleta Reynolds, I would develop a framework for Los Angeles to address the rapidly changing transportation world. The final report, Urban Mobility in a Digital Age, establishes a policy guide to ensure that new mobility improves community outcomes while preparing the organization to evolve with constant change.
Better use of data, capacity building, and partnering for success would lead to the development of a transportation happiness metric and future initiatives such as the Mobility Data Specification and Urban Movement Labs.
Appointed by Mayor Sly James and working closely with City Manager Troy Schulte, I served as the first chief innovation officer of the City of Kansas City, Missouri. With a focus on lean process improvement and collaboration, I would lead a variety of initiatives such as adoption of an open data policy, digital roadmap, and public-private partnership to launch smart city infrastructure with the streetcar starter line in downtown KCMO. I would work with the Mayor’s Challenge Cabinet to engage emerging civic leaders in public policy development and other civic innovation.
Starting with DMJM in 2007, my journey with AECOM would span more than one city as the economy tanked and architecture would slow. I would move from architecture project coordination and schematic design and construction administration for a large mixed use development in Houston, TX to program management when commercial real estate was too risky.
I would begin working with large organizations such as the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works, US Parks Services, and US Air Force Air Education and Training Command. As part of a multi-disciplinary assessment, we would work with clients to assess their assets, develop prioritization strategies for greater efficiencies, and provide recommendations for future investment.
During the peak of the recession, I would lead the physical rebranding of AECOM offices located on four continents (North America, Europe, Asia, Australia) where I would negotiate the fabrication and installation of new signage worldwide. Eventually, I would work for AECOM in both Los Angeles and Kansas City when I relocated after my marriage.
After a year of implementing a new construction project management software with the General Services Administration Regions 5 (Chicago) and 6 (Kansas City), I would pivot once again to more closely align my passion for environmental stewardship and public policy. I would begin more strategic planning work with Lee’s Summit, MO sustainability plan and a regional effort to improve residential solar opportunities in both Kansas and Missouri through the Mid-America Regional Council.
Designer (2006-2007)
Researcher (2006)
Supported marketing and business development activities and researched sustainable materials for a shared resource library. Provided administrative support and documentation coordination for LEED certification, a green building standard.
This work would help me understand the value of setting clear goals at the onset of a project to help guide decision-making and prioritization when there are conflicts.
Direct Marketing Associate
Worked on social marketing campaigns, outreach and education focused on behavior change for public good. Learned about the fundamentals of messaging and understanding your audience when conveying information and raising awareness for issues.
As an international student at McGill University, I was only permitted to work on-campus. My third year of school, I worked as the front desk clerk for the student government. This required encyclopedic knowledge of all things student affairs, clubs, and events as well as policy. I was promoted to Administrative Assistant for my final year of school, managing the front desk staff of ~12 student workers while supporting the Office Manager in her functions. It was upon the recommendation by a senior SSMU staff that I looked for open positions in marketing. I would move from Montreal to Toronto upon graduation. I was officially and permanently in love with cities and the experience of providing quality customer experience to a diverse student body would benefit me for decades to come.
Education and Credentials
Pratt Institute, Master of Architecture I | Brooklyn, NY
McGill University, Bachelor of Arts, Political Science | Montreal, QC
Licensed Architect, States of Missouri and Kansas
USGBC LEED Accredited Professional, Building Design + Construction
International Urban and Regional Cooperation | KC Delegate
Urban Movement Labs | Board of Directors | Los Angeles, CA
BikeWalkKC | Board Chair | Kansas City, MO
American Institute of Architects, Kansas City Chapter | Board Secretary (ending 2022)
Center for Architecture and Design | Board Member (ending 2022)
KC Global Design Innovation Team
ArtsKC Advocacy Committee | Committee Member
Building Energy Exchange | Advisory Board
Carnegie Mellon University Mobility21 | Advisory Board
2019. National American Planning Association recognition for the WeHo Smart City plan with the City of West Hollywood, CA.
2018. The Grist 50 is an annual list of emerging leaders from across the U.S. who are working on fresh, real-world solutions to our world's biggest challenges.
2014. Inaugural recipient of the Rising Trendsetter Award for Women in STEM.
2014. The Vanguard conference is a gathering of rising urban innovators working to make change in cities. Designed to bring together professionals working across disciplines and sectors, each Vanguard class includes policymakers and politicians, architects and urban planners, artists and mediamakers, all selected through a competitive application process.
2013. Inaugural recognition by the Kansas City Business Journal.
2012. Recognized by the Kansas City Chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIAKC) as the 2012 Emerging Professional of the Year.
2011. Recognized by Engineering News Record as one of the top 20 under 40 professionals in the Midwest.
2010. Recognized for cross-disciplinary work in Los Angeles.
2010. Honored by the County of Los Angeles Board of Supervisors for grassroots work with the Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council for equitable sustainability work.
2009. Inaugural award for advancing sustainability through community engagement.
2009. Recognized by the Los Angeles Chapter of the American Planning Association with a Planning Excellence Work for Grassroots Initiative.
2007 | 2008. Two-time recipient of the Individual Excellence Award.
2006. Recognized for work as a two-term Graduate Student Trustee and activist for the new Master of Architecture I program.